I’m Back!!

Since I have last posted, things have gotten pretty busy with life.  Work got pretty busy over the summer time, and not having internet in my home was quite a bump in the road to making this a successful blog.  However, my home now has internet pumping through its veins again, and therefore I am able to update this more frequently.  So, stay tuned in, because I have a lot of interesting things in store for this blog!



Jeans sale


Old Navy is having a jean sale again, which is perfect because I’m in need of a few new pairs.  These are a must, and these would be cute for the summer, paired with a cute pair of flats or sandals.

Also, if you are a cardholder, you can save 20% off $50 if you use the code LOVEMYCARD at checkout.  The deal expires 5/22. Don’t miss out!



(photo courtesy of Old Navy website)

Weight loss update

As many of you have read, I originally started this blog out as a way to chart my progress of my juice fast.  Well, I have some results to share.  As of when I first began my juice fast back in April til now, I have lost a total of 18 pounds.  This is due to my juicing 2 meals a day, along with my stadium workouts. I always hate posting before pictures, but they really are the only way to chart progress.


There’s always that ONE tagged photo that forces you to change your eating habits.

I’m about halfway toward my goal of losing 40 pounds.  For as often as I went to the gym prior to my juice cleanse, it’s amazing that it took getting away from the gym (with the exception of playing volleyball) to get the best results.  Also, once I realized I wanted to lose weight for myself, and no one else, it became a lot less challenging.  I would be lying if I said I didn’t have my slip-up days, where I would eat a cheeseburger and fries or a plate of fried Mexican food for Cinco de Mayo, but I didn’t let that get me down.  Each day presents a new opportunity to make your meals better and healthier than the day before.  Don’t be discouraged if you slip-up and indulge.  It’s okay.  Just have that mindset that your next meal will be a healthy one.  It’s just like having an athlete mentality.  If Joe Montana or Michael Jordan focused solely on every mistake they made, they would not have reached their full potential of greatness that they did.  The same goes with dieting.  Mistakes will happen, but it’s up to you to shake it off and start again.

So for those of you on their weight-loss journey, stay strong.  The finish line will be there before you know it.


Have a happy weekend

What are you up to this weekend readers?  This weekend I plan on relaxing as much as I can.  I have boy’s volleyball tryouts this weekend for the club I coach at, and I have work in the afternoon on Saturday.  Other than that, I’m going to soak in as much relaxation time as I can.  Have a wonderful weekend! Here are some links of Los Angeles events happening this weekend, as well as some links to make you giggle.

Missing football? Click here for an event to help tide you over til the summer. Best of all, it’s free!

Paw Warz-A Star Wars parody as told by cats

For all you 90’s kids, Iam8bit gallery in Los Angeles has a tribute to all things Nickelodeon.  The gallery ends May 5, so hurry up and get your 90’s fix now!

How cute is this shirt dress?

Simple and easy hairstyle for summer.


(Photo found on Tumblr)

Lifting heavy weights…it’s not just for men ladies!

I‘m not sure if it’s the natural athletic and tomboy side of me, but when it comes to lifting weights, I am not afraid to go hard at the gym.  I’ll jump right in and do bench presses and squats next to the guys with no hesitation.  However, I know a lot of my girl friends who are afraid to hit the weights for fear that they will “bulk” up.  Ladies, that is a myth.   It is physically impossible (with the exception of muscle enhancers known as steroids) as a woman to turn into a professional body builder simply by lifting a few heavy weights at the gym during the week.  This is because women do not produce as much of the muscle building hormone, testosterone, as men do.  For the women that do compete in body-building competitions and have grown their muscles naturally, it’s due to a strict regimen of proper nutrition and hours upon hours spent lifting very heavy weights.   The weights I lift and time I spend in the gym will definitely not have me looking like the female Arnold Schwarzenegger.  It will however, get me toned, tightened, and keep burning calories long after I put my dumbbells back on the weight rack.

Shape Magazine also put together an article with 8 reasons why women should lift heavier weights.  My favorite reasons are #4 and #6.  If you are interested, here are more weight lifting exercises you can do.

Like with any new exercises, it’s best to move to heavier weights in increments.  If you find yourself doing 100 reps of bicep curls with 5 pound dumbbells and not breaking a sweat, I would move up to an 8 pound dumbbell, and you should feel a difference.  Then within time, you can work your way up to 10 and 12 pound weights.  Be careful not to jump to heavy weights too quickly.  Only do what your body can handle, or else you can get injured and discouraged.  Stay healthy readers!


Have a magical weekend

Happy Friday readers! What are your plans for the weekend?  Both my niece and goddaughter are having their birthday parties on Saturday, so it will be a day full of children and laughter. This is what I purchased my niece for her 6th birthday.  She said she wants “chapter” books now that she’s a big girl who enjoys reading, so I got her a few of my favorite books that I enjoyed reading as a child.



Does anyone else remember Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, and her unique remedies to cure children of their bad habits? I loved the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle series, and I hope my niece will too.  Here are a few other links to get your weekend started.

1. This song makes me want to dance.

2.  This would make the perfect summer dress

3. Cute hairstyles to take you from the gym to the workplace

4.  Lovin the color and design of these shoes!



Balsamic glazed steak rolls

As I was browsing Pinterest today, I stumbled across a quick and easy dinner recipe from picturetherecipe.com that I just had to share.  Being that I am always on the go, I’m always looking for quick and simple dinners that can also provide me a lunch to take to work the next day.  These just look absolutely tasty, and they are filled with carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, and onions.

PTR Balsamic Glazed Steak RollsAlthough they are categorized as appetizers, I think they would be lovely as a dinner paired with a small side of mashed potatoes or some brown rice.

For full instructions, click here.


Avocado…in fudge??

This past weekend, I went down to San Diego to visit my friend and her husband.  While I was there, we spent a couple hours walking around Seaport Village, which is a small seaside town with cute little mom & pop shops.  I had the best little macarons at this place called Frosted Robin Cupcakes.  It’s a cute and quaint cupcake shop that has a cottage and country chic feel to it.  I did not try their cupcakes, but I highly recommend their honey lavender and creme brulee macarons.

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What I also had while I was there was avocado fudge!  I had never tried avocado fudge until this weekend.  I’m all for substituting healthy items in order to make food healthier, especially now in my weight loss journey, and this fudge was really quite delectable.  I could not even taste the avocado.  So this has inspired me not only to make some avocado fudge on my own with dark chocolate (since it has the most health benefits of all the chocolates, but also find other recipes that avocados can be used in place of butter.  I may just be posting a blog with some of my Pinterest tests soon.

1. Paleo approved fudge! I may just be trying this one out.

2. Even though I’m not a vegan, these look pretty tasty, and healthy!

3. I’ve never heard of avocado ice cream before, but this may be worth a try!



Have a wonderful weekend!

This weekend, I am heading down to Escondido/San Diego to visit one of my dearest friends.  The weather looks to be promising, clear and a cool 70 degrees.  I’m just glad to be getting away for the weekend; I need it.

Here’s a fun link that describes my juice fast experience perfectly.  It’s funny how all juice cleansers have a similar experience of grumpiness and irritability those first 3 days.
