Have a happy weekend

What are you up to this weekend readers?  This weekend I plan on relaxing as much as I can.  I have boy’s volleyball tryouts this weekend for the club I coach at, and I have work in the afternoon on Saturday.  Other than that, I’m going to soak in as much relaxation time as I can.  Have a wonderful weekend! Here are some links of Los Angeles events happening this weekend, as well as some links to make you giggle.

Missing football? Click here for an event to help tide you over til the summer. Best of all, it’s free!

Paw Warz-A Star Wars parody as told by cats

For all you 90’s kids, Iam8bit gallery in Los Angeles has a tribute to all things Nickelodeon.  The gallery ends May 5, so hurry up and get your 90’s fix now!

How cute is this shirt dress?

Simple and easy hairstyle for summer.


(Photo found on Tumblr)

Chinese Food and Cultural Festival

A couple weeks ago, my friend mentioned to me that her father is helping to organize the Chinese Food and Cultural Festival being held at the Cal State Long Beach Campus on Monday, April 22.  So being the good friend that I am, I told her I would help spread the word about it.  It is a free 2-part event, but complimentary tickets for the banquet are required.  The opening ceremony will include presentations from Chinese dignitaries, and the banquet will include an authentic Chinese meal made with the freshest ingredients.  You can visit their Facebook page for more information on how to obtain tickets.
